Since 1992, The Evening Light has served as the official general publication of The Church of God. It is a source of information and communication between the global Church and our members and friends around the world. The magazine includes encouraging articles, auxiliary and ministry boosts, announcements, news and testimonies concerning churches and members around the world, and so much more! We invite you to subscribe and start receiving The Evening Light today!

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In an ongoing effort to make The Evening Light available to everyone, we provide the following sample issues. We encourage you to download these issues and share them with your family and friends.
It is our prayer The Evening Light is a source of encouragement to all who receive it. If these samples are a blessing to you, w encourage you to subscribe to receive our monthly issues.
February 2019 | June 2019 |
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What Our Readers Are Saying
I get a smile on my face when I see the Evening Light in my mailbox. I enjoy reading the messages, looking at the photos and seeing what Lord is doing in his church blesses me very much with encouragement. I would like to testify how I was very sick on the week of Thanksgiving with the flu. Yes, the time we all like to eat. I had really been struggling to get better and was weak and tired. One day I fell asleep reading The Evening light and The Lord woke me up in the middle of the night. I got on my knees on the side of my bed and was praying with the little bit of strength that I had. My room was dark and for a moment when I opened my eyes I can see the white pages of The Evening Light in front of me. I grabbed it and used it as a prayer cloth putting it on my stomach and opening the pages to cover my head like it if it were a hat praying for healing on my body. I went back to bed and to God be the Glory He healed me and I was able to attend service the next day to testify. Thank you for all who anoint and pray for The Evening Light.Mage H., Idaho USA
Just wanted to say I enjoyed The Evening Light and its focus on missions for this month (March). It was a blessing. You did a good job putting it together. Loved the historical pieces! For someone who didn’t grow up in the Church, and didn’t have a lot of church history taught to them, these are great to learn from! Thanks!Marie, Alabama USA
I just want to compliment you on your article on “Our Father”. I can only say Amen! You hit the nail on the head with the fact that the majority causes of the break down in the families are largely due to not having fatherly influence, or fathers not being the spiritual leader in the home,or the combination of both.
I was blessed to have a father that was always present and a godly man above all.Aaron, South Carolina USA
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Annual volumes of The Evening Light in bound editions are available and can be purchased through our store.