Tabernacle Advancement Committee – Quarterly Update

Assembly Tabernacle

There were several great accomplishments in the last quarter of 2024:

  1. A fundraising plan was created and was approved by the General Overseer.
  2. The Church kicked off the 10 for $100 fundraising campaign.
  3. We purchased twenty-two additional acres for $290,864.22. We now own just over seventy-four acres debt free.
  4. The total amount raised for the Tabernacle during the fourth quarter of 2024 was $72,287.00 which includes all forms of giving (10 for $100, Heritage Acres, monthly contributions, etc.).
  5. The Assembly Tabernacle Building Committee selected a civil engineer firm and began a scope of work.

What’s Next:

  1. The Tabernacle Building Committee expects the Civil Engineer to accomplish a survey of the property and begin drawings (i.e. site plan, grading plans, drainage, utilities, etc.). These actions must be completed prior to obtaining permits and starting work. 
  2. The Tabernacle Advancement Committee will promote the “I Love The Church of God” fundraising campaign in February 2025 where each member is encouraged to give $1 for every year they have been a member of The Church of God.
  3. Planning and preparations will be made for the Tabernacle Revival and Family Day on April 4-5, 2025. Announcements will be provided in The Evening Light and on the Church website.
  4. Overseers and Pastors are encouraged to promote the “10 For $100” fundraising campaign and work with their respective Tabernacle Booster.
  5. Local churches should consider brainstorming ideas and making plans for Heritage Month fundraisers.