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Help the Victory Leaders Band conduct International Youth Rallies around the world!
Will you help with these rallies?
In Matthew 25 Christ said, “Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you...” He then listed various deeds performed by righteous saints which greatly contributed to the welfare of others. Immediately after he said, “Inasmuch as ye have doneit unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me....” The righteous are rewarded for their compassion and care of others in need.
There is a genuine need in the youth of the Church and of the entire world. The conditions of the world has created difficulties for them. They are plagued with feelings of loneliness and fear. This is why the International Youth Rallies has been introduced.
With these rallies we can create an environment where youth thrive and grow in fellowship with one another and with God. The Spirit of the Lord moved upon the righteous in Matthew 25 to visit the poor, feed the hungry, and take in the stranger, then surely that same Spirit will move upon your heart to contribute to the spiritual welfare of our youth.
Will you sincerely commit to this cause today?