Why is evangelism so important? The answer is quite simple. The world we live in is full of sin, and souls are encountering their eternal destiny every day lost without knowing the love and grace of God. This is an unfortunate reality, and it should burden the heart of every Christian.

Christ instructed us to “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations…” (Matthew 28:19) with the message of redemption and grace. The message of the Cross is not limited to a specific social class, age group, ethnicity, or era or time. It is for every nation, state, community, and soul. It is God’s will that every soul accept salvation and freely choose to worship Him (1 Timothy 2:4).

The task may seem daunting, but with the participation of every believer, it will be accomplished. Whether it be through prayer support, financial contributions, or active ministry, let us all engage in evangelism so souls can be saved and lives can be transformed by Jesus Christ!

Join in the Harvest

Would you like to join with us in this harvest for souls? Countless people are in need of the wonderful peace and joy that is found in having a relationship with Jesus Christ. All financial contributions made to the Evangelism Fund help to send evangelists into the fields of harvest to save souls and plant new churches.

Contribute Today!

Let's Have a Revival!

Revival is the spiritual reawakening from a state of complacency. When revival occurs, the Holy Ghost invigorates us and deepens our faith, and the love and truth of God are rekindled in us in a fresh, new way. 

God is ready to move among our nation. Let us all band together and pray for revival in our communities and local churches!

Go on a Mission Trip!

There is a cry heard around the world from souls who are eager to hear the Gospel and experience the love of God. It is for this reason that mission teams are a vital asset to The Church of God.

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